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Image by Giammarco Boscaro

Your safe harbour in law

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About Us

Harbour Legal is a law firm specialising in commercial and civil law. We are experts in this field. However, we can also advise you with high quality in other legal matters. Whether you are an individual, a start-up or an established company, we are your safe harbour on the stormy sea of law.

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Why do clients choose us

Experience and expertise

Our lawyers are experienced experts in their fields. They have 10+ years of experience in providing legal advice, both at leading law firms and multinational corporations.

Innovative, but with feet on the ground

We are innovative (we have an Innovative Lawyer of the Year on our team) and we like to find legal paths where they seemingly cannot be found. This includes using modern technology. But thanks to our expertise, we can also keep our feet on the ground and ensure that the proposed solution is not only innovative, but also legally safe and workable.

Clarity and humanity

We always speak to our clients in a way that they can truly understand us. We don't make ourselves more important by hiding behind meaningless legal platitudes.


We apply simple and clear legal solutions as much as possible. We want them to actually work in practice and not just to generate more legal problems.

Best price/performance ratio

Our price/performance ratio is one of the best on the market. Only senior lawyers work for our clients. We have replaced junior lawyers who are just learning the legal craft with advanced artificial intelligence. This saves you costs twice - the senior lawyer not only understands your matter faster and more accurately, but also handles it more efficiently.

Appropriate price

We strive to price our services according to the value of your problem. When setting prices, we also differentiate what kind of service you need - whether routine, where the price is lower, or tailored to your needs, where the price is higher.

Image by Mikhail Pavstyuk
Naše specializae

Our Specialization

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and Restructuring

We provide a full range of advisory services from legal due diligence, through the drafting and negotiation of transaction documentation, to the closing of the transaction. Likewise, we can assist you with the transformation of your company, whether it is a merger, demerger or other form. We also have extensive experience in restructuring groups of companies for tax savings or other reasons.


We have extensive experience in drafting a wide variety of contracts - we can advise you equally well whether it is a family contract or a contract with customers or suppliers. We are also experienced in drafting licensing and IT contracts.

Start-ups and investments 

If you are starting a business we can assist you with setting up the right relationship within the company, business terms and conditions or employee relations. Then we support you gradually as you grow. If you want to invest in a start-up, we will advise you on how to legally secure the investment in the best possible way, including through virtual shares or convertible loans.

Real Estate

Do you want to buy or sell an apartment or house? Or rent it out or establish an easement? We will be happy to help you with this. We also have extensive experience in commercial real estate - construction of production halls, renovation of entire office buildings or various leases or sales of individual premises or entire complexes.

Companies and holdings

Benefit from our top expertise in setting up relationship within a company or in handling its day-to-day operations. We can also advise you well when dealing with relationships between several companies within a group (holding). 


We can help you with GDPR (data protection), e-commerce terms and conditions, cookies or sending commercial communications. We are also happy to help you with projects using blockchain technology.

Labour law

We will prepare complete employment law documentation for you - from the employment contract to the employer's internal regulations. We will also advise you in disputed cases, whether you are an employee or an employer.

Litigation and debt recovery

We will be your advocates in disputes, whether they concern ordinary civil matters (including family matters) or business. We can also help you with debt recovery.


Prices for our services

The first consultation is for free. We will discuss your case to understand it. We will then prepare a tailored quotation. We always try to ensure that the price offered corresponds to the real value that resolving the legal matter has for you.

If possible, we will always give you an estimate which the price of our services should not exceed.  If this is not possible (e.g. in litigation), we will at least keep you informed of the cost of our services so that you can keep control over the matter.

For new clients or for more time-consuming cases, we will usually ask you to pay a deposit for our services. The amount of the deposit is usually 50% of the estimated price.

How we set prices

Hourly rate

For individuals and start-ups at the time of establishment in the range of CZK 1,900 - 2,800 + VAT. For existing companies and entrepreneurs in the range of CZK 2,300 - 4,000 + VAT. It always depends on the level of expertise of the service provided.

Discounted price packages

We have prepared these for common or frequently recurring matters.

Fixed rate

In the case of longer-term cooperation, the fee can be set as a lump sum amount paid each month for an agreed number of hours of legal services.

Success fee

The fee can also be set as a percentage of the value of the legal matter, which you will only pay if you succeed in the matter thanks to us (e.g. as

x % of the amount awarded).

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Legal Team

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JUDr. Jan Lokajíček, Ph.D.

Jan specializes in commercial and corporate law, M&A and real estate law. He is one of the top lawyers in these areas, the value of transactions he has been involved in exceeds CZK 10 billion. Jan is one of the prominent figures on the young legal scene - he won the prestigious Innovative Lawyer of the Year award and has authored major legal publications. His works are quoted by the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. Jan works in Czech and English.

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Mgr. Matúš Hanuliak

Matúš is a solicitor with a general practice. He has extensive experience not only in representing clients in litigation, but also in GDPR, IP rights, family and criminal law. Prior to joining the Bar, Matúš worked as General Counsel for Central Europe in a major multinational corporation, and subsequently gained further experience within an established Czech law firm and as an independent attorney. Matúš works in Czech, French, English and Slovak.

Mgr. Hana Bohdalová

Hanka is an attorney-at-law focusing on representing clients in disputes before courts, arbitration tribunals and mediations. In addition, she specializes in contract and real estate law. Prior to Harbour Legal, Hanka worked at a leading Prague law firm, where she advised one of Europe's largest real estate developers on property management and development projects. Hanka works in Czech and English.

Image by Scott Graham

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Contact details

Harbour Legal s.r.o. advokátní kancelář

Palác Archa (entrance C)

Na Poříčí 1047/26

110 00 Prague 1

Company ID No.: 094 64 671

Appointments must be made in advance.

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